Stage 4: Chilecito - Copiapo
Motorcycles - Quad - Cars

    Liaison sections: 594 km
    Special stage: 315 km


    Liaison sections: 594 km
    Special stage: 174 km

At night the route is twice as hard!

The competitors will have to prove they are worthy of entering Chile! A very early start and a climb to a height of 4,800 metres will precede the border crossing at Paso San Francisco. The really challenging section will begin with a gradual warm-up on the mining tracks, before drivers are faced with the reality of the Atacama Desert. The route here is open and sandy. Over the course of the last 40 kilometres, the giant dunes and basins of Copiapo will have to be tackled and for many this will be at night. Overcoming them will require finesse and instinct.